Our Baby "J"
Hello all. This blog is dedicated to the entire pregnancy and immediate birth of our little 'Bam-Bam'... ... Baby "J." Please click on any picture for a larger view or on any link for more information.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
They LIED!
Attention: All soon-to-be Mothers...
...breastfeeding does hurt! Do not believe anyone that tells you differently. Yes, it is a wonderful and natural experience that you share with your newborn. Yes, it is the best food you can provide for your little one... but DAMN it hurts.
We were told by EVERYONE that breastfeeding would not hurt. Even in our brestfeeding prep class the instructor told us that "if it hurts, you're doing something wrong!" Well, I don't know when the last time she actually breastfed, but on day 3 I was ready to scream bloody murder. On the first day it only hurt briefly, but I think I was too proud of the fact that I was breastfeeding to really notice. The second day was pretty much the same, as I was really trying to stay on track with my schedule and all. When we were discharged and I was able to sit back on my couch... all hell broke loose. There were some pretty rough times where I asked Clif to make a bottle of formula. Of course we didn't use those bottles, but we came very close.
Beware is all the advice I have to give!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
.....(our little Bam Bam!)
.....(our little Bam Bam!)
Hello. I know, it's been a while. Well, I told you all that you wouldn't hear from us until after the birth, and well it's after the birth! Let's just say that we've been extremely busy settling into our new lives as parents, so blogging hasn't been something we could find time to do. Here's a little bit of information on what's been going on, I promise we'll explain everything when we find the time.
After not feeling well for an entire day, and experiencing some spotting and cramping, we decided to head to the hospital and get checked out. We finished up a couple of errands because we knew it was probably going to be a long visit, and made it to the hospital around noon. After being observed for a few hours Dr. Chen decided to instruct the nurse to admit us into the hospital since I was already at 3cm dilated and my cervix was extremely thinned out (it's now 3p). By 5p I had an IV bag hanging next to me, an epidural had been ordered and an on-call doctor was asked to come and break my water. The doctor decided against rupturing my water because bam-bam's head was still too far up.... which meant we had to let the medicine (pitocin) do some work. At around 6p Kristen arrived and was ready to ride out the day/night until Bam-Bam made his entrance. We decided to play some cards (I-Declare-War) to pass the time, and in between contraction I was being checked out by various nurses to see if the meds were working. After 8 hours of me sitting at 4cm, the nurse decided to call my doctor (it's now 4a) to get new instructions. At 6a, he arrived and decided to not completely break my bag but to make it leak instead (whatever!). The leak turned into a full break, and at 8a we are panicking that he was not going to be present for the birth (he had left the hospital and was called to return immediately). At 832a, on February 3, 2007, Christian Isiah made is entrance into the world and into our lives forever!!!
6lbs. 3.5oz and 20 inches long
Here's is one of his diaper changes!
Here's big sister Ryann...
Here's big brother Raye...
Thank you to everyone that made it up to the hospital to visit us. We truly appreciated all the flowers, food, gifts and warm wishes that we were blessed with during this very special time.