Our Baby "J"

Hello all. This blog is dedicated to the entire pregnancy and immediate birth of our little 'Bam-Bam'... ... Baby "J." Please click on any picture for a larger view or on any link for more information.

Friday, September 29, 2006

How am I feeling today?

Ok, so I've reached the 20 week mark of this pregnancy. Let's see what the book "What to Expect When you're Expecting" (2002, Murkoff, Eisenberg & Hathaway) says about what I should be experiencing (page 206):

*Fetal movement - CHECK (he's moving a lot)
*Achiness in lower abdomen - only if I lie on the floor
*Constipation - NOPE... pretty regular
*Heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, bloating - Heartburn yes; all the other stuff NOT
*Occasional headaches, faintness, or dizziness - none of the above (knock on wood)
*Nasal congestion and ear stuffiness - YES (and it's annoying)
*"Pink toothbrush" - not yet (knocking on wood again)
*Heart appetite -YES, LORD, YES! (someone pray for me)
*Leg cramps - I've had a few but nothing horrible (yet)
*Mild swelling of ankles and feet - only when I scrapbook for too long :)
*Varicose veins - none yet (banging on the wood)
*Faster pulse - yes!
*Backache - YES
*Skin color change on abdomen and face - Clif said my stomach looks lighter
*Protruding navel - NOT! I'm an outty :)

Now for the ones that the book does not mention:

*Hair dandruff - what's up wiht that! I've been washing my hair like crazy
*Weird dreams about things that make no sense at all - almost nightly
*Unsatisfied appetite - why can't I decide what to eat, and why am I never satisfied
*Indecisiveness - why can't I make up my mind about anything


Blogger Tonya said...

I wonder if this indecisiveness will be passed to Baby J.. LOL..

8:16 PM  

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