Our Baby "J"

Hello all. This blog is dedicated to the entire pregnancy and immediate birth of our little 'Bam-Bam'... ... Baby "J." Please click on any picture for a larger view or on any link for more information.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

3D/4D Ultrasound is truly amazing (!!!)

After going to our first lamaze class, we got prepared to meet our little Bam Bam for the first time (while he is still in the womb). We headed to Pasadena to the Mothercare Ultrasound & Preparation Center for a 4D ultrasound image of our little one. It was a very emotional experience for us to actually get to see what he looks like (I had to shed a few tears). Some of the images did not come out so well. He's pretty cramped in there, being as though we're now at 35+ weeks. Still, we were able to see his huge cheeks (thanks to daddy), full lips (thanks to mommy) and his cute little nose.

Tip: the best time to have this procedure done is after 28 weeks, but before 34 weeks. You have to be far enough along so that the baby begins to have some fat on his skin, but not too far along where he has no room and therefore is
cramped and balled up inside your belly.

Here are a couple of the images we were able to capture:

His hands are up

He's sleeping

He's still sleeping


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