Our Baby "J"

Hello all. This blog is dedicated to the entire pregnancy and immediate birth of our little 'Bam-Bam'... ... Baby "J." Please click on any picture for a larger view or on any link for more information.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Breastfeeding Basics Class.....CHECK!

So last night we took our first (and only) breastfeeding class at LCOM. From 7-9p we sat, watched 2 videos and were taught the proper way of holding a baby while breastfeeding. The course was very informative and well worth the price ($35/couple) and I'm glad that Clif wanted to take it.

There were moments when I couldn't bare to watch the television screen anymore. Like seeing this mother of twins attach both babies on her breasts at the same time. What the ?!?!?! Is that even possible? According to the video it is. I know I'm not ready for any of that, let's just get through the first 24 hours, and then I'll tell you if I can handle any other hungry babies.

Breastfeeding helpful tips to remember:
1 - breastfeeding should not hurt (so they say). It may feel strange at first, but it should not be painful. If it does, you're doing something wrong. Detach the baby and try again.
2 - wash all of your bras (plus anything that will come in contact with the babies face) in the same detergent that you use for the baby. This will prevent any rashes on the babies face.
3 - use lanolin or pure-lan on your breasts ONLY (and only if you have dry skin). There is no need to use anything else. Remember, whatever you're putting on your breasts will end up in the baby's mouth.
4 - it is not recommended to borrow/use someone else's breast pump. If you do, replace any/all parts that have come in contact with the other baby, mother and breast milk (this means more than just the tubing used)
5 - Evenflo/Avent breast pump have the highest customer complaints than any other brand. Our instructor recommended the Medela Pump in Style (over the Advance) out of all over brands.

Hope some of this helps... ...next up LAMAZE!


Blogger The Estrogen Files said...

Ooo, and don't forget to visit La Leche League for any advice, at any time of the day or night. Leaders are available in ANY city, or online at http://www.lalecheleague.org/

Good luck with your munchkin!

Mom of 4 - sara

7:53 PM  

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